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CONNECT at Arendalsuka

Updated: May 12, 2022

Connect had the pleasure of participating at Arendalsuka. Here you can find the debates and conversations we had during the event.

Picture from Arendalsuka
Both leading professionals and top politicians participated in Connect's events at Arendalsuka.

Arendalsuka is a national annual event, and since 2012 it has been the largest political gathering in Norway. The event has a clear mission to strengthen the belief in political empowerment and democracy through an open debate and involvement.

Connect and our partners had the honor of hosting both debates and conversations about research and medical opportunities for cancer patients in Norway. Excellent panelists, skilled professionals and knowledgeable politicians gave the audience new perspectives, experiences and food for thought. We would like to give them all a big thank you for their time!

If you missed the debates, or would like to watch them again, you will find the recordings here. Just click on the video links below.

How do we succeed with precision medicine for cancer: Research and collaboration that take us further

The introduction of precision medicine in the health care system is a challenge most countries struggle with. In this debate, leading professionals and politicians discussed, among other things, how the system for precision medicine for cancer in Norway today works and how we can do it better. What is needed to introduce the new cancer treatments that patients need?

The HealthTalk-debate

In this HealthTalk debate, the conversation about precision medicine was extended. The panelists continued the discussion on how precision medicine can become available to more patients and what challenges it can present.

Newsletter from Oslo Cancer Cluster covering Arendalsuka

This newsletter includes news and recordings from Arendalsuka as well as upcoming events.

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