How can clinicians be more involved in healthcare decision-making? This was a central question at an educational seminar hosted by CONNECT Working Group 3 on 14 October 2022 at Kreftforeningens Vitensenter in Oslo.
The first speaker was Professor Laura Bojke, Team Leader for Economic Evaluation & Health Technology Assessment; Health Economics, Evaluation & Equality (HEEE) theme lead, Centre for Health Economics, University of York.
Bojke’s presentation was titled “Case Methods for Expert Elicitation in Health Care Decision Making”. Bojke covered the need for structured expert elicitation in healthcare decision-making, examples of its use in formal processes, information of MRC, different method projects and output, as well as key issues for implementation.
View the presentations slides from Laura Bojke below
The second speaker was Magnus Bangum, Former master’s student at the Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo. Bangum's presentation was titled “Reducing uncertainty surrounding cost-effectiveness of precision cancer medicine by including expert opinions”.
View the presentation slides from Magnus Bangum here:
The presentations were followed by a stimulating panel discussion in Norwegian, moderated by Petter Foss, International Value and Access Partner Solid Tumors, Europe, Novartis Oncology.
The participants included:
Jan Frich, Viseadministrerende direktør og Fagdirektør, Helse Sør-Øst RHF
Eline Aas, Professor, Department og Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo; CONNECT WG3 Lead
Magnus Bangum, Former master’s student at the Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo
Fredrik Schjesvold, Head of Oslo Myeloma Center at Oslo University Hospital
Halfdan Sørbye, Overlege, Professor, Kreftavdelingen, Haukeland Universitetssykehus (via video link)
Bente Kristin Johansen, Legeforeningen
Kristin Svanqvist, Head of Governmental Affairs and Communication, Merck Norway
You can access the video of the educational seminar below.