Nordic Precision Medicine Forum 2022
tor. 28. apr.
|Hotel Birger Jarl, Stockholm
Since 2016, this conference has brought together leading experts from government, industry, technology, research and healthcare to share learnings to help advance the implementation of Precision Medicine. The Connect Consortium is represented via speakers from Norway in different sessions.

Time & Location
28. apr. 2022, 09:55 – 29. apr. 2022, 17:10
Hotel Birger Jarl, Stockholm, Tulegatan 8, 113 53 Stockholm, Sverige
About the event
We look upon this Conference as a relevant forum to connect and share experiences across the Nordics. The Norwegian Precision Medicine initatives are featured in a dedicated session on 28th april titled: "Exploring the opportunity for large-scale trials across the Nordics: Reviewing InPreD and IMPRESs Norway".
Norwegian contributors to the program include: Kjetil Tasken, Head Institute for Cancer Research, Division of Cancer Medicine, Oslo University Hospital (OUH); Hege Rusness, Head Infrastructure for precision diagnostics Division of Laboratory Medicine, OUH, Aslaug Helland, Prof. and Head of Research, Division of Cancer Medicine, OUH; Jutta Heix, Head of Int. Affairs Oslo Cancer Cluster & Project Lead CONNECT; Grethe Foss, Senior Adviser and Project Leader Personalised Medicine Norwegian Directorate of Health and Kristian Hveem, Professor in Clinical Epidemiology and Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Visit the conference website here for more information and download the agenda here.
Oslo Cancer Cluster is a partner to the Nordic Precision Medicine Forum, and there is a discount code for the cluster and CONNECT Consortium members. Please contact Charlotte Wu Homme (cwh@oslocancercluster.no) to obtain the code.